Gingerbread Holiday House Suggestions

Roll dough to 1/4" thick. Rolling pin rings, placed on rolling pin, keeps dough uniform
in thickness for even baking. (See Gingerbreadhouse Supply Sources for links to find rings).

Place pattern pieces on dough. Cut around shape with sharp knife or pizza cutter.
If desired, cut out windows and door. Front and back can be left whole and windows and door can be
indicated with frosting. If door is cut out, save piece to place back on house showing door open.

Mix frosting.Gingerbreadhouse Recipes Put frosting in pastry bag with #18 tip.
Keep unused frosting covered with damp cloth to prevent hardening.
Decorate pieces as desired. It is easier to decorate pieces (with window trim, door, roof) laying flat,
before constructing house. Allow decorated pieces to dry.

Use 8" or 10" cardboard circle or square as base. Cover base with foil.

Place one side house piece at 45 degree angle next to front piect. Prop up using soup cans.
Run bead of frosting inside joint. Repeat with second side piece and back piece.
Let frosting dry.

Run bead of frosting on slanted edges of front and back. Place roof pieces in place.
Run bead of frosting along edge where roof pieces meet. All to dry.

Add further decorations as desired.

[ Gingerbreadhouse Instructions
Gingerbreadhouse Suggestions
Gingerbreadhouse Supply Sources
Gingerbreadhouse Recipes
Gingerbreadhouse Pattern-Front,Back,Side
Gingerbreadhouse Pattern-Roof

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